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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - less


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~1 adv 1 not so much; to a smaller degree  (I found the second half of the play less interesting than the first. | We go to Paris less frequently now. | You ought to smoke less.)  (- opposite more1 (1)) 2 less and less gradually becoming smaller in amount or degree  (Our trips became less and less frequent.) 3 much/still less formal certainly not  (They did not intend even to tell the authorities about the experiments, still less seek their approval.) ~2 determiner, pronoun 1 a) not as much  (You ought to eat less salt. | Most of the workers were paid -5 per day, but some received even less. | Give him less of the medicine if it seems to upset him. | a distance of less than 100 metres) b) used to mean fewer or not as many, but often considered incorrect in this meaning  (There were less people there than we expected.) 2 no less than used when you are giving a number, to emphasize that it is surprisingly large  (The book has been translated into no less than 40 languages.) 3 less than helpful/perfect etc not at all helpful, perfect etc  (Doctors have been less than successful in treating this condition.) 4 in less than no time very quickly or very soon  (The debts increased alarmingly, and in less than no time they found that they owed over $10,000.) 5 nothing less than used to emphasize how important or serious something really is  (His appearance in the show was nothing less than a sensation.) 6 no less used to emphasize that the person or thing you are talking about is very important  (The building was opened by no less a person than the Prince of Wales. | His case is supported by the Police Complaints Committee no less.) 7 less of spoken used to tell someone, usually a child, to stop doing something  (Less of that noise, please!) 8 not ... any the less just as much  (I know he's done a dreadful thing, but I don't love him any the less.) ~3 prep taking away or not counting a particular amount  (What is 121 less 36? | He gave us our money back less the $2 service charge.)
less ~ suffix 1 without something  (a childless couple (=who have no children) | It's quite harmless. (=will not harm you) | He was hatless. (=wore no hat) | endless complaints (=that never end)) 2 never doing something  (a tireless helper (=who never gets tired)) 3 unable to be treated in a particular way  (on countless occasions (=too many to be counted))
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  Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. Note: 'Less' is often considered to be the comparative form of 'little'. 1. You use less to indicate that there is a smaller amount of something than before or than average. You can use ‘a little’, ‘a lot’, ‘a bit’, ‘far’, and ‘much’ in front of less. People should eat less fat to reduce the risk of heart disease. ...a dishwasher that uses less water and electricity than older machines... ? more DET: DET n-uncount • Less is also a pronoun. Borrowers are striving to ease their financial position by spending less and saving more. ? more PRON • Less is also a quantifier. Last year less of the money went into high-technology companies... ? more QUANT: QUANT of def-n-uncount/sing 2. You use less than before a number or amount to say that the actual number or amount is smaller than this. Motorways actually cover less than 0.1 percent of the countryside... Less than a half hour later he returned upstairs. PREP-PHRASE: PREP amount 3. You use less to indicate that something or someone has a smaller amount of a quality than they used to or than is average or usual. Other amenities, less commonly available, include a library and exercise room... Poverty is less of a problem now than it used to be. ? more ADV: ADV adj/adv, ADV of a n 4. If you say that something is less one thing than another, you mean that it is like the second thing rather than the first. At first sight it looked less like a capital city than a mining camp... ADV: ADV group than group/cl 5. If you do something less than before or less than someone else, you do it to a smaller extent or not as often. We are eating more and exercising less... I see less of any of my friends than I used to. ? more ADV: ADV with v 6. You use the expressions still less, much less, and even less after a negative statement in order to introduce and emphasize a further statement, and to make it negative too. (FORMAL) I never talked about...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   adjective suffix  Etymology: Middle English -les, ~e, from Old English -leas, from leas devoid, false; akin to Old High German los loose, Old English losian to get lost — more at lose  1. destitute of ; not having witless childless  2. unable to be acted on or to act (in a specified way) dauntless fadeless LESS  I. adjective, comparative of (I)little  Etymology: Middle English, partly from Old English l?s, adverb & noun; partly from l?ssa, adjective; akin to Old Frisian les ~  Date: before 12th century  1. constituting a more limited number or amount ~ than three ~ than half done  2. of lower rank, degree, or importance no ~ a person than the president himself  3.  a. of reduced size, extent, or degree  b. more limited in quantity in ~ time Usage:  The traditional view is that ~ applies to matters of degree, value, or amount and modifies collective nouns, mass nouns, or nouns denoting an abstract whole while fewer applies to matters of number and modifies plural nouns. Less has been used to modify plural nouns since the days of King Alfred and the usage, though roundly decried, appears to be increasing. Less is more likely than fewer to modify plural nouns when distances, sums of money, and a few fixed phrases are involved ~ than 100 miles an investment of ~ than $2000 in 25 words or ~ and as likely as fewer to modify periods of time in ~ (or fewer) than four hours.  II. adverb, comparative of (II)little  Date: before 12th century to a ~er extent or degree  III. noun  (plural ~)  Date: before 12th century  1. a smaller portion or quantity  2. something of ~ importance  IV. preposition  Date: 15th century diminished by ; minus ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  suffix forming adjectives and adverbs: 1 from nouns, meaning 'not having, without, free from' (doubtless; powerless). 2 from verbs, meaning 'not affected by or doing the action of the verb' (fathomless; tireless). Derivatives -lessly suffix forming adverbs. -lessness suffix forming nouns. Etymology: OE -leas f. leas devoid of LESS adj., adv., n., & prep. --adj. 1 smaller in extent, degree, duration, number, etc. (of less importance; in a less degree). 2 of smaller quantity, not so much (opp. MORE) (find less difficulty; eat less meat). 3 disp. fewer (eat less biscuits). 4 of lower rank etc. (no less a person than; James the Less). --adv. to a smaller extent, in a lower degree. --n. a smaller amount or quantity or number (cannot take less; for less than {pound}10; is little less than disgraceful). --prep. minus (made {pound}1,000 less tax). Phrases and idioms in less than no time joc. very quickly or soon. much (or still) less with even greater force of denial (do not suspect him of negligence, much less of dishonesty). Etymology: OE l{aelig}ssa (adj.), l{aelig}s (adv.), f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  сокр. от leading edge structure subsystem компоненты конструкции носков крыла и фюзеляжа (ОС МТКК) ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1) менее 2) меньше 3) меньший a is less than b — a меньше b a is numerically less than b — a численно меньше b five less three is two — пять минус три равно двум less significant digit — младший разряд числа less than fully efficient method — метод неполной эффективности less than or equal to — меньше или равно, не больше less than sign — знак "меньше" less than-equal sign — знак "равно или меньше" much less sign — знак "много меньше" neither more nor less than — ни больше, ни меньше, как none the less tem — не менее relation less than — отношение "меньше чем" seven is four less than eleven — семь на четыре меньше одиннадцати - in less detail - less by half - lustre less - none the less - not less sign - strictly less ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) меньшая сумма 2) меньшая цена 3) меньшая плата • - less developed country - less than fair value - less than 2. нареч. за вычетом - less charges - less discount - more or less ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. compar от little 2. меньший; менее; менее интенсивный, менее значительный и т. п. to have less patience than... —- иметь меньше терпения, чем... less noise, please! —- (по)тише, пожалуйста! in less time —- скорее of less magnitude —- менее крупный to grow less —- уменьшиться to find less difficulty —- встретить меньше затруднений 3. меньший (с числами) eight is two less than ten —- восемь на два меньше, чем десять 4. менее важный; младший; второстепенный no less a person than the manager —- сам управляющий, собственной персоной Id: far (much, still) less —- гораздо (еще) меньше, и того менее; не говоря о том; тем более Id: the baby can't even walk, much less run —- малышка не умеет даже ходить, а тем более бегать Id: nothing (no, little) less than —- не менее чем; по крайней мере; не что иное, как; положительно, прямо-таки Id: I expected nothing less than a reprimand —- я ожидал, по крайней мере, выговора Id: nothing less than monstrous —- положительно чудовищный Id: nothing less than madness —- настоящее безумие Id: his execution was nothing less than murder —- его казнь была не чем иным, как убийством Id: in less than no time —- в мгновение ока Id: may your shadow never be (grow) less —- желаю успеха; желаю вам здравствовать долгие годы Id: your shadow hasn't grown any less —- вы ни капельки не похудели; вы ничуть не изменились Id: of two evils choose the less —- посл. из двух зол выбирай меньшее...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  developed слаборазвитый (о стране и т.п.) LESS known менее известный; LESS  1. adj. comp. of little меньший (о размере, продолжительности, числе и т.п.); in a less/lesser degree - в меньшей степени; - of less importance no less a person than - не кто иной, как сам (такой-то)  2. adv. меньше, менее; в меньшей степени; - less known - less developed  3. noun меньшее количество, меньшая сумма и т.п.; I cannot take less - не могу взять меньше - none the less in less than no time в мгновение ока  4. prep. без; a year less three days - год без трех дней ...
Англо-русский словарь
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - the suffix meaning "lacking" is from O.E. -leas, from leas "free (from), devoid (of)," from P.Gmc. *lausaz. LESS - O.E. lжs (adv.), lжssa (adj.), comp. of lжs "small;" from P.Gmc. *lasiz "smaller," from PIE base *loiso- "small." Formerly also "younger," a sense now obs. except in James the Less. Lesser (1459) is a double comparative, "a barbarous corruption of less, formed by the vulgar from the habit of terminating comparatives in -er." [Johnson]. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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